I have written to you about when a client falls in love with an escort, but what about when an escort falls in love? Do we have that privilege…?
Clients always seem very curious about this, which I initially found a bit amusing.
So what about love? Certainly I have been in love, more than once in my life. In that time of my life, I was a completely faithful and dedicated woman. Disappointment followed by, so I decided to walk through life alone.
My emotions were understandably rocky as I adjusted to life without him. As I spent time analyzing it all, I finally realized what it was that I missed. I missed the presence of a person in my life who was actually interested in how I was doing, in how my day had gone… It was sad.
Falls in Love
Now that I am in escorting, I don’t know how to proceed with dating. If I meet someone new, do I tell him right away that I do a little escorting on the side? You all know how much honesty means to me. But this information puts my personal life and career at high risk if it gets known by the wrong person.
So it is not something that I share with hardly anyone in my personal life. But if I want to be involved with someone, I want to be honest, so….I definitely would need to tell someone if we started getting serious. But at what point do I have that conversation? Then there is the flip side to that conversation. Will a guy remain involved once he knows I do escorting? I recognize that not every guy can live with that fact.
I still wonder. The jury is still out. I am seeing now, that it is indeed a complicated thing for an escort to fall in life. Not because I can’t love, because I have discovered that indeed I still can, but–by being an escort, have I now put myself into a category of the unlovable?